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Portrait Gallery

Below you'll find three examples of galleries provided to clients, that are representative of my session options: simple, classic, and deluxe. Keep in mind, the photos I show here may not be all inclusive of the gallery delivered to the client, but as listed here it is a good representation of what you may receive if you purchase the package. Take a look at these hard working seniors, love-struck couples, and playful families, and reach out with any questions you have about planning your perfect portrait session.

Simple Portrait

The simple portrait package is perfect if you want a few beautiful photographs to commemorate your growing family through the passage of time, celebrate the joys of motherhood with a gorgeous Mommy & Me session, or just about anything else you can think of.. Simple is the perfect explanation of what this package is: it includes 10 images of up to 4 people in my studio or on location in Buckeye with one outfit choice. I highly recommend this session for families with young kids.

Classic Portrait

The classic portrait package gives parents a fun gallery that captures your important moments--whether you want to do annual family photos to send out Christmas cards and update the photo on yours (and your mom's) wall, celebrate your kid's graduation, or commemorate your engagement.

Deluxe Portrait

The deluxe portrait package has it all. It can accommodate as many family members as you can fit in the frame, so it's great for those sessions to celebrate your extended family for a grandparent's birthday or anniversary, but it's also great for couples, seniors, or families where your style can be defined as "over the top". Whether you have a bigger family you want to celebrate, or you think it's fun to go all out and want some options, this is the session for you. We can go anywhere in the valley and capture the perfect photo session to go up on your walls and be passed down for generations.